Security Innovation Center

Security Innovation Center D.O.O Belgrade (SIC) is founded by the Faculty of Security, University in Belgrade. The aim of the Center is to develope and comercialize innovative solutions, methods, technics, softwears, products, processes and services in security systems. With this mission, SIC realizes scientific, developmental and commercial projects in the security field, gives consulting services, analyses research results in the country and the world for their commercial application, initializes development of new technologies on the basis of scientific results and mediates between research, developmental, state and business organisations. The Innovations Center is envisaged as a bridge between research institutions and business subjects occupied with security practice.



Inovacioni centar Fakulteta bezbednosti organizuje kurs TEHNIKE ISLEĐIVANJA - VEŠTINA ISPITIVANJA OSUMNJIČENOG

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Kriminalistička psihologija: Veština vođenja forenzičkog intervjua - detekcija laži kroz analizu verbalnog i neverbalnog ponašanja

Inovacioni centar Fakulteta bezbednosti organizuje višečasovni kurs “Kriminalistička psihologija – Veština vođenja forenzičkog intervjua: detekcija laži kroz analizu verbalnog i neverbalnog ponašanja”, koji će biti održan 16. maja, u prostorijama Fakulteta bezbednosti.

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Inovacioni centar Fakulteta bezbednosti organizuje stručni seminar pod nazivom „ODNOSI SA JAVNOŠĆU U KRIZNIM SITUACIJAMA“, 8. i 9. maja 2015. godine.

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Institutional network

The Center for crisis menagement and negotiations

The Center for crisis menagement and negotiations is consisted of individuals with various profiles and knowledge whose aim is to develope consciousness of adequate preparation and organisation for performing in crisis situations. Also, they work on developing of negotiation skills in solving conflicts.

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The Prisoners Resocialisation Office

The Office is envisaged as a center occupied with the social position of prisoners and ex-prisoners. Its aim is to promote ideas, measures and programs for change and improvement of their status. It also works on the reduction of security risks in their resocialisation failures.

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Expert team for data protection

The expert team is formed to raise data security culture and to reinforce normative, technological and procedural mechanisms for adequate data analysis and protection.

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